Hallowed Be


Be thankful and hallowed.  Hurricane Sandy passed us.  Most of us. Mostly.


And Sixto Rodriguez in being heard again (or for the first time).

for me it has been a first time and

I am just digging the heck out of  the story and music of Sixto  Rodriguez.

Most my people

and I


it Hopeful

and hope to sing along.


these are like treasures of a past unknown; like an old troubadour’s youthful yearning – which they are.


We have a lot of those old musicians with ageless intact passions here too.

Dennis McCarthy is back in town with a great sound in tow and on show.

The Roots Cafe, The Met, the Apartment, even the old Ramada Inn in Seekonk I hear. Old musicians playing anew. New words coming in like in old times


and the storms just barely not killing us. this time.


hallowed evenings indeed


About Miss Polly

a writer and painter in Rhodee Island with MS
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